Himan Patra

UI/UX Designer
About Me
A dynamic product designer with four years of expertise in the field, skilled in creating designs that are both visually appealing and intuitive for users. I'm passionate about innovation and have a sharp eye for detail, which have helped me contribute successfully to several projects on a variety of platforms. I thrives in collaborative environments where I can apply my knowledge of design thinking, prototyping, and user research to produce meaningful solutions. My dedication to user-centric design and staying abreast of emerging trends makes me a valuable asset to any team.

Written Blogs

Himan Patra

The unseen magic of Negative, used in Daily Life

Something you utilize on a daily basis but are not conscious of or unaware of its usage for. Perhaps mysterious to some, "Blank" is actually a blessing in disguise for others. However, what exactly is "Blank"?

The region of a composition that is purposefully left empty or unmarked is referred to as "Blank" by designers, also known as "white space," "negative space," or "free space." There is no requirement that it be white; it can be any color, design, or backdrop. White space is a conscious design choice that is crucial for producing balanced, aesthetically pleasing, and effective visual designs and doesn't mean the absence of components.

It helps designers in many ways such as:

1. Maintaining Visual Clarity and Focus

2. Enhance Readability for users

3. For creating Aesthetic and Balance in design

4. To create Emphasis and Hierarchy in design

5. Maintain Elegance and Sophistication

6. Create better User Experience and Interaction

7. To create Grouping and Separation between elements

8. Also, to give a Calm and Open feeling to the user

So, how does our unconscious utilization of white space in our daily activities bring us practical benefits, even though we might not actively acknowledge its impact?

White space, even though it's a concept often associated with design, actually has parallels in our everyday lives and activities. People often adopt the principles of white space intuitively without even realizing it.

As white space in design like the "breathing room" or "quiet areas" between different elements on a page or screen, similar to when you're arranging furniture in a room, you need some space between the sofa, chairs, and tables for everything to look balanced and comfortable. In the same way, white space gives your design a sense of balance and makes it easier for people to understand and enjoy.

Few examples of this can be -

1. Conversations: While having a conversation you take a pause, although it comes naturally but it creates a depth in your talks and also gives listener a chance to process what you said, so he doesn’t get overwhelmed. These pauses are like a “White Space” in conversation.

2. While Plating Food: Often you might have noticed in Fine Dining the food is arranged in a way that it leaves enough space towards the sides with some decoration. This overall creates a visual harmony allowing the food to stand out because of which emphasis on ingredients can be showcased individually. The aroma, colour, texture gives us a better sensory experience which in turn makes us savour each bite. This is all because of the “White Space” due to which we can appreciate all the different components in our platter.

Other examples can be Home Décor, Personal Style and Fashion, Gardening and Landscaping, Office Presentations etc.

These examples demonstrate how the principles of white space are integrated into various aspects of everyday life. Even if people aren't consciously aware of the design principle of white space, people have a natural tendency to arrange things in ways that are balanced, well-organized, and simple to understand. This natural use of white space promotes clear communication, relaxing surroundings, and all-around improved daily experiences.